
ISM Policy

This declared ISM Policy of the company forms the framework for the direction and objectives of our company and sets out the basic principles and the way to achieve them.

The values that our company professes and that characterize it are, above all, the emphasis and care for the quality of the free qualities of its employees, their competence and responsibility for their activities, and their relationships, both among themselves and towards the shareholder, customer, supplier and business partner, their own company, the government and the public, health and safety and the environment. The level of all employees and relationships is the highest value of the company, which provides the basis for the required and expected high quality of all its products and activities in all areas of ISO 9001 (Quality), 45001 (HSE), 14001 (ENVI), 3834-2 (Welding), Rolling Stock Maintenance under the certified maintenance system.

Reaching a given level always remains a starting point and a challenge for us to improve further.

The management of the company identifies with this policy and is committed to creating the conditions and leading by example in all its areas. At the same time, it expects and believes in the full support of its employees and all stakeholders.

Relationship with employees at all levels of management and activities:

  • Strengthen and develop awareness of responsibility for one's own actions perception of belonging to the company's products and activities, primarily through personal meetings and assessments, support for professional training to improve skills in the field, and promote respect for the environment and each other
  • To seek and nurture talent development and talent sharing, within the company and in secondary and higher education
  • Individual and group counselling and support in areas affecting the quality of work and private life
  • Expand knowledge in the areas of environmental care and OSH with an emphasis on prevention
  • To inform employees openly and thoroughly about the causes of accidents and incidents, to continuously develop a system of searching for and evaluating possible risks, as a common interest of all, in order to prevent incidents
  • Take care of the work comfort, health and safety of employees, promote teamwork
  • Develop incentive and benefit programs to ensure the stability and development of the company, to support innovation and improvement activities at all levels and areas of activity
  • Not to tolerate any form of discrimination, even hidden, on grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, etc.

Relationship with shareholders, customers, business partners and suppliers, own company, government, public and all other stakeholders:

  • Strengthen staff awareness of commitments and responsibilities to them
  • Strengthen loyalty to the company and employee belonging to all
  • Build and manage a reliable network of suppliers and work with them to continuously improve quality, cost proportionality, shorten lead times and increase speed of response to new demand
  • Include in the supplier and partner selection criteria their level of commitment to HSE and the environment and sharing the same values
  • Promote transparency and fairness in relations with all stakeholders
  • Maintain communication, develop relationship with civil society, reflect the development of the external environment

Relationship to the environment, health and safety:

  • To strive for the most environmentally friendly impact of its activities in all areas
  • Consider and reduce environmental impacts in our products throughout the product life cycle
  • Measure and evaluate the consumption of energy, water, paper and other raw materials involved in the business as a basis for continually seeking ways to use them more efficiently, reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact
  • Set and consistently follow waste management rules
  • Cost-effectiveness of consumption to be taken into account also when selecting and purchasing new technologies
  • To take care of the health of employees (vaccinations, preventive check-ups, sports activities, healthy food, etc.), regular training on safety and first aid with verification of sufficient understanding and acquisition of the acquired knowledge and skills

Relationship to own products:

  • Quality, user comfort and competitive price remain a priority
  • Maintain the comprehensiveness of services in its line of business, including possible diversification
  • Take care of the customer's own product (after-sales and post-warranty service)
  • To continuously develop and innovate in order to respond flexibly to customer requirements, to anticipate future needs, to increase utility and user value
  • Streamline production and its pre-production and service activities
  • Utilize new technologies and SW tools in routine administrative and manual production work
  • To follow the principles of lean manufacturing in production
  • Document all activities and store data related to the product, verify that documentation is consistent with reality and maintain awareness of the importance of direct personal participation of all involved in the final product
  • Establish and evaluate goals, objectives and projects to continuously improve all product-related activities including effective management control
  • Provide the necessary resources, financial, technological, personnel and material, related to the implementation of the product
  • Evaluate in advance the needs and any risks associated with the implementation of the product and any potential impacts on the environment and society

April 3, 2023